Wednesday 7 March 2018

Irish Supreme Court upholds Immaculate Conception

Staying strictly within the letter of the constitution (8th.Amendment) a child in the womb has only the right to life and no right to the nurturance of a father when born or the support of a father to the mother of the unborn child. This sets parentage at naught. Of course we understand that it is important to have the right to deport to Nigeria a man who is the (unborn?) father of an unborn who has somehow come magically to exist in the womb of an Irishwoman. Until the unborn is born the man is not a father nor the mother a mother.

I think this is better than the American privacy ruling. It has a theological aspect to it which is fitting for a Catholic country.


Anonymous said...

if it was a theocracy that might be suitable but as for a secular democratic/representative nation it sucks.

ombhurbhuva said...

Did you read the post? Is your native language Englism?